40 research outputs found

    Kajian tadbir urus teknologi maklumat organisasi awam di Gorontao-Indonesia

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    The concept of information technology (IT) governance has become a trend in public organizations sector in most countries. However, the implementation of IT governance in Indonesia continues to face problems and challenges, including weak understanding and assessment processes activities based on IT implementation. In addition, empirical studies related to IT governance within public organizations in Indonesia are limited. The main objective of this study is to develop an IT governance model in public organizations in Gorontalo, Indonesia. This study adapted the Control Objective for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) model which conformed to the principles of management of IT resources that form the basis of IT governance in Indonesia by studying the contribution factors of implementation IT governance in public organizations. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods which involved questionnaires, interviews, observations and documents. Quantitative data was collected via questionnaires that were distributed to 367 and the return rate was 90.6 percent. This data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the research model and test the proposed research hypotheses. Semi-structured interviews were used to obtain the management's views about IT governance activities and their implementation. Observations and documents analysis were used to observe how the activities and find data, information and resources for implementation of IT governance. The results show that the proposed model conforms to COBIT. The study also proves that COBIT together with the goal of and the principles of IT resource management that form the basis of IT governance in Indonesia has managed to enrich the model in describing understanding and implementation of IT governance. The results of this study contribute to knowledge to best practice of IT governance. This study can be used as a guide the best practice IT governance in Indonesia in the futur

    Pengenalan Anatomi Tubuh Menggunakan Teknologi Augmented Reality Berbasis Android

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    Media aplikasi pembelajaran dapat mempermudah sarana dalam pembelajaran di berbagai bidang pendidikan khususnya tentang pengenalan anatomi tubuh, namun saat ini masih minim tersedianya suatu aplikasi mobile terkait hal tersebut yang dapat meningkatkan minat belajar bagi siswa dan masyarakat terutama pendidikan pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengembangkan sistem pengenalan anatomi tubuh manusia menggunakan teknologi Augmented Reality berbasis Android. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) dengan tahapannya meliputi: Concept, Design, Material Collecting, Assembly, Testing, dan Distribution. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, studi literatur. Hasil penelitian diperoleh berupa aplikasi pengenalan anatomi tubuh manusia menggunakan teknologi augmented reality yang dapat membantu siswa maupun masyarakat dalam mencari informasi serta menjadi sarana media pembelajaran mengenai organ tubuh manusia. Adapun media pembelajaran augmented reality dapat memvisualisasikan konsep abstrak untuk pemahaman dan struktur suatu model objek dan memungkinkan augmented reality sebagai media yang lebih efektif sesuai dengan tujuan dari media pembelajaran. It is widely known that a mobile learning application can facilitate learning in various fields of education, including the introduction to human anatomy topic. However, the current availability of a mobile application associated with the topic remains insufficient despite its use to improve the student’s and community’s interest to learn, particularly in early childhood education is effective. The research aims to develop a system of introduction to human anatomy by using android-based augmented reality. The method employed in this research is Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), where its stages comprise concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. The research data are collected through observation, interview, and literature study. The research result is in the form of application to introduce human anatomy by using augmented reality technology that can assist students or community in seeking information and be a learning media to introduce the human anatomy. In addition, the augmented reality media can visualize an abstract concept for comprehension and structure of object model where it enables the augmented reality to be a more effective media to meet learning media goals

    Analisis Evaluasi Kualitas Sistem Informasi Pemerintahan Daerah (SIPD) Menggunakan ISO/IEC 25010 di BAPPEDA Provinsi Gorontalo.

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    Penerapan tata pemerintahan yang baik berimplikasi terhadap pelayanan publik yang lebih baik kepada masyarakat. Demi pencapaian cita-cita yang ideal tersebut, pemerintah perlu memperbaiki sistem birokrasi yang ada. ISO/IEC 25010 merupakan standar internasional dalam mengevaluasi sistem informasi. Penggunaan ISO/IEC 25010 untuk mengevaluasi kualitas sistem informasi SIPD dengan menggunakan product quality, dimana prosesnya mengacu pada karakteristik dari sebuah produk sistem informasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kualitas Sistem Informasi SIPD berdasarkan ISO/IEC 25010. Pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif, digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dengan melibatkan 20 orang sebagai responden dan 1 orang sebagai informan kunci. Hasil menunjukan bahwa pengelolaan SIPD telah dilakukan berdasarkan komunikasi yang intens, ditunjang dengan sumberdaya yang memadai berupa petugas yang kompeten serta ketersediaan perangkat dan jaringan. Disposisi atau sikap dari pelaksana pengelolaan SIPD yang proaktif serta struktur birokrasi pengelolaan yang jelas dan sesuai SOP. Kualitas SIPD berdasarkan ISO/IEC 25010 pada kategori “baik” dengan nilai rata-rata 76,0%. Karakteristik dengan kualitas paling tinggi yaitu Portability (portabilitas) (77,5%) sedangkan yang paling rendah yaitu Performance Efficiency (73,8%). Hasil ini juga dapat dijadikan pertimbangan atau rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas SIPD, dengan melihat karaktersistik yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna atau sebaliknya

    Implementation of Android-Based Learning Media on Temperature and Heat Materials to Enhance Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Senior High Schools

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    This study aims to enhance the motivation and learning outcomes of high school students at SMA Negeri 7 Gorontalo for the 2022/2023 Academic Year through implementing android-based learning media on temperature and heat materials. The research method is a quasi-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest research design. The research sample consisted of 3 classes: class X IPA 2 as the experiment class and class X IPA 3, and X IPA 4 as a replica class. This research begins with preparing learning tools to implement learning media based on Android material on temperature and heat. The results of the validation show that the learning tools are valid and can be used in the learning process. Implementing the learning process in this study is in the very good category. It can increase student motivation and learning outcomes, where the N-Gain scores for the experimental and replica classes are in the high category

    Motion Graphic Animation Video as Alternative Learning Media

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    Lack of students’ attention and interest to learn influence the learning process within the class. Thus, their learning achievement decreased. This study aims at designing a motion graphic, video animation learning media in Indonesian history subject. This study uses a research and development method based on the modified research model developed by Borg and Gall with five stages model namely, needs analysis, media design, product development, evaluation and product trial, and final product. This study reveals that the average pretest score before the implementation of the learning media is 57.60, whereas the average posttest score after the motion graphic, animation video learning media implementation is 79.20. The fitness of the media feedback from the media experts’ score is 88% with very appropriate criteria. Also, the material expert gives a score of 89% for the media appropriateness with very appropriate criteria, and users’ (students) feedback on the media is 87.9% with very appropriate criteria. It is concluded that the designed motion graphic, animation video learning media for Indonesian history subject positively influences students’ learning achievement and is appropriate to be applied in Indonesian history subjects

    Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Mind Map Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Rendahnya hasil belajar siswa dapat dikarenakan adanya beberapa faktor seperti proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung serta pemilihan metode pembelajaran. Rendahnya tingkat prestasi hasil belajar siswa juga dipengaruhi oleh siswa yang merasa bosan dalam menerima materi dan tergolong pasif di kelas. Upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa ini dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran mind map. Tujuannya adalah mengukur pengaruh metode pembelajaran mind map pada mata pelajaran komputer dan jaringan dasar terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan Quasi Experimental. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji-t dengan separated varian, menunjukkan bahwa pada taraf signifikan 0.05 dengan diperoleh Thitung 7.65 > Ttabel 1.672, maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan metode pembelajaran mind map terhadap hasil belajar dengan hasil aspek afektif dari kedua kelas dikategorikan baik, rata-rata kelas eksperimen 76% sedangkan pada kelas kontrol 69.17. Low learning outcomes can be caused by several factors, such as learning processes and learning methods. Another contributing factor worth considering is the student boredom and passiveness in the class. On that ground, the present study was aimed at applying a learning method called mind map method in the subject of computer and basic network; it focused on examining the extent to which the learning method contributed to the student learning outcomes. This quantitative research relied on a quasi-experimental approach. The hypothesis was examined using a t-test with separated variants. According to the result of the test, t-count (7.65) was greater than t-table (1.672), with a significance level of 0.05. In other words, H0 was refuted and H1 was accepted. This result further indicated the significance of the mind map method to the learning outcomes. It was shown that the affective aspect of the learning outcomes of both the experimental group and control group fell under a good category, with a percentage of 76% and 69.17%, respectively

    Penerapan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Dalam Menganalisis Penerimaan Aplikasi E-kinerja Pada Dinas PUPR Kota Gorontalo

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    Abstract E-kinerja is an application used as a tool for recording performance and monitoring employee performance. Many agencies have implemented the use of e-kinerja to support work, one of which is the Gorontalo City PUPR Service. However, in practice the implementation of the e-kinerja application at the Gorontalo City PUPR Service has not been carried out optimally. This is proven by the fact that there are still employees who use the e-performance application according to the provisions that have been set, such as not entering their performance on time and some even not filling in their performance in the system. This will affect targets and performance assessments resulting in administrative sanctions up to dismissal. It is not yet known whether the e-Kinerja application has been well received or not by users at the Gorontalo City PUPR Service. This research was conducted to find out how far the E-Kinerja application has been received at the Gorontalo City PUPR Service and what factors can influence user acceptance. . This research uses descriptive quantitative methods and uses the TAM Model to measure user acceptance. The analysis results show that the e-kinerja application has been well received by users with acceptance of 89%